MSM Healing - Overview, mindsets & resistances

Meditative Sensual Massage (MSM) is often a wonderfully affirming and rejuvenating experience. Not only is it pleasurable and enjoyable, but often it provides a vehicle for our personal transformation, self-realization and spiritual growth.

It is not surprising then, that regular practice of MSM in its fullest form (with aspects of physical and mental connection, affirmation, touch) can serve as a healing, cleansing and freeing force. Especially so, because we live in a society that is touch-averse, where physical contact is shunned, avoided or feared. Thus, many of us already suffer from a deficit of touch, and restoring that deficit brings us back into balance again.

Usually, healing and rejuvenation happens gradually over time, and is not the main objective of a session. In some cases, however, the healing aspect takes centerstage. In this series we cover aspects of healing via meditation, touch and massage.

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Exploring Sensuality in Bondage & Domination

At first glance, sensual massage doesn’t seem to have much in common with bondage and dominance - but that is untrue and only on superficial examination.

Meditative sensual massage (MSM) places emphasis on our mind as much as body - this encompasses understanding of your partner(s) and their aspects of attraction and arousal. It is definitely not limited to only gentle or mild exploration and play.

This article provides some ideas for bondage & dominance play as part of sensual massage and sensual exploration.

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A full rundown of a (Meditative) sensual massage session!

We at have been asked countless times about what goes on during a (meditative) sensual massage session - here's a detailed post which outlines the flow of a MSM session, our thought process, and why we do what we do!

It's written in an instructional manner, to share insight into what goes on in the therapist's mind, and as basic starter material for those of you that might want to embark on exploring sensuality with another - feel free to try it out and give us feedback on what's described here!

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An overview & quickstart

In exploring meditative sensual massage, I'd like to cover some topics that will be helpful to get us up and running quickly. After all, we learn best by actually experiencing it!

First, I'll cover the critical components for a successful session and lay down the outline of topics we will be covering over subsequent posts.

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